Category: Professional Issues

Raising a Bilingual Child: Where to Start & What to Expect
Bilingualism has become a coveted skill for many individuals, and I mean why not?

Establishing trust: stepping beyond everything you learned in grad school
When I was an indecisive, whimsical sophomore, circa 2007 at the University of Connecticut, one of the requirements in selecting a career path was that it embodied a counseling component. I didn’t quite aspire to be a mental health counselor, but I undoubtedly wanted to support individuals in some capacity. After shadowing a few SLPs I saw undoubtedly how much counseling was involved across settings.

Transition Planning: What does it mean, when do you start, and who is on your team.
For most children, planning their adult lives starts somewhere in preschool when they begin discussing what careers they hope to pursue in their adulthood. Then somewhere in high school, students seem less sure as they are faced with a decision to transition into the workplace, post-secondary education, or maybe even completely rock their parents world by electing to backpack through a foreign country looking for their missing inspiration.