Developmental Milestones
Fine Motor Milestones
2-6 months
- grasps a rattle, holds bottle with both hands
- pulls at clothes
- reaches, pulls objects to mouth
6-9 months
- bangs objects on table
- transfers cube hand to hand
- feeds self finger food
9-15 months
- marks paper with crayon
- puts 3 or more objects into a container
- builds tower using two cubes
- drinks from a cup
- feeds self with a spoon
15-18 months
- finger-thumb pincer grasp
- scribblings, draws line
- builds tower of four cubes, puts four rings on stick
- removes socks
- turns knobs
2-3 years
- undresses self and assists with dressing
- copies a circle and a cross
- strings four large beads
- turns single page
- snips with scissors on a line
- buttons/unbuttons large buttons
4-5 years
- copies a square
- prints own name- tripod pencil grasp
- ties shoelaces
- cuts on line continuously
- prints some capital letters
6 years
- copies a triangle
- cuts out simple shapes
- copies first name
- prints numerals 1-5
- color within lines
- pastes and glues appropriately
Gross Motor Milestones
0-3 months
Lying on tummy, pushes up on arms for 3 seconds
Lying on tummy, lifts and holds head up
Bears weight in supported standing for 3 seconds
Moves fists from closed to open
Brings hands to mouth
Moves legs and arms off of surface when excited
4-6 months
Reaches for toys while on tummy
Lying on back, transfers toy from one hand to the other
Lying on back, reaches both hands to play with feet
Lying on tummy, pushes up on forearms (4 months) and hands (6 months)
Uses hands to support self while sitting
Rolls from back to tummy and tummy to back
While standing with support, accepts entire weight with legs
In sitting, rotates head from left to right and right to left while holding head up
7-9 months
Sits without support
Sits and reaches for toys without falling
Moves from tummy or back into sitting
Starts to move with alternating leg and arm movement (creeping, crawling)
Picks up head and pushes through elbows during “tummy time”
Turns head to visually track objects while sitting
Shows more control while rolling and sitting
Picks up small objects with thumbs and fingers
Imitates others during simple play
10-12 months
Releases objects into a container with a large opening
Uses thumb and pointer finger to pick up tiny objects
Pulls to stand and cruises along furniture
Pivots 180 degrees in sitting
Stands alone and takes several independent steps
Moves in and out of various positions to explore environment and get desired toys
Maintains balance in sitting when throwing objects
Claps hands
13-18 months (1-1.5 years)
- Walks independently and seldom falls
- Walks downstairs using railing and with 1 or both feet on each step
- Walks backward 5 steps
- Maintains balance while kneeling
- Squats to pick up a toy
- Stacks two objects or blocks
- Catches ball rolled to legs in sitting
- Rolls ball from between legs back to person
- Throws ball in any direction by extending their arm
- Kicks ball 3 feet forward
19-24 months (1.5-2 years)
- Begins to run for 10 or more feet
- Climbs stairs using railing
- Kicks ball 3 feet forward within 45 degrees of their intended target
2-3 years
- Jumps off low step
- Stands on 1 foot for 3 seconds
- Begins to ride tricycle
- Kicks small ball
- Throws ball overhand
3 years
Demonstrates true run (both feet leave ground)
Stands on 1 foot for 5 seconds
Stands tandem (one foot in front of the other) without losing balance
Catches large ball with trapping motion
Walks up stairs alternating feet
Walks down stairs while marking time
Jumps off step
Jumps over 2-inch object
3.5 years
Can hop a few steps on their preferred foot
Runs with greater balance and control
Kicks a ball
Mounts, pedals, and dismounts 3-wheel riding vehicle (tricycle)
4 years
Walks down stairs alternating feet
Stands on tiptoes
Rotation of body following throw of a ball
Pumps a swing
Walks on a line/beam forwards
Can hop on one foot 4-6 times
Throws ball 10 feet forward
4.5 years
Catches ball if prepared
Bounces a ball off the floor then the wall when demonstrated
Hits large target from 12 feet away with a ball
Jumps 2-3 inches
Leans forward when jumping from a height
5 years
Can stop and change directions quickly when running
Stands on one foot for 10 seconds
Can hop 8-10 steps on 1 foot
Throws ball and hits target at 10 feet
Roller skates
Rides bike
Bounces a ball
Jumps 2-3 feet forward
6 years
Able to skip
Catches bounced tennis ball with 1 hand
Kicks a ball for at least a 12 foot distance
Completes 5 sit ups in less than 30 seconds
Can complete 8 push-ups in under 20 seconds
Rides a bicycle (no training wheels)
7 years
Safely performs a forward roll
Runs smoothly with opposite arm and leg movement and a narrow base of support (feet are close but not touching)
Runs around obstacles and maintains balance
Steps with opposite leg when using throwing arm to throw a ball
Jumps over an object and lands with both feet together
Walks backwards heel-to-toe
Rides a bicycle for an unlimited time
8-9 years
Jumps rope skillfully
Throws and bats a ball with more skill
10-16 years
Jumping distance & running speed continue to increase and eventually stabilize
Plays ball more skillfully due to improved reaction time
May reach fastest reaction time & peak performance level in sports
Receptive Language Milestones
7 months-1 year
- turns and looks in the direction of sounds
- listens when spoken to
- recognizes words for common items like "cup", "shoe", "juice"
- responds to name
- begins to respond to simple requests ("come here", "sit down")
- smiles when smiled at and can follow eye gaze
1-2 years
- points to a few body parts
- follows 1-2 step directions and understands simple questions ("roll the ball", "kiss the baby", "go get your shoes")
- listens to simple stories, songs, and rhymes
- identifies an object in a picture book
- points to pictures in a book when named
- points to a few body parts when asked
2-3 years
- hears when you call from another room
- answers simple "who?", "what?", "where?", "why?" questions
- follows 2-3 step directions
- understands concepts "inside", "under", "on top"
- points to 5-6 parts of a doll when asked
3-4 years
- understands differences in meaning ("go-stop", "in-on", "big-little", "up-down")
- follows 2 requests ("Get your shoes and put them on")
- understands action words ("jump, run, wash") and descriptive words ("big, wet, little")
- matches objects to pictures
4-5 years
- pays attention to short stories and answers simple questions
- hears and understands spatial concepts (under, in back of, in front of)
- makes inferences from pictures and stories
- understands and able to produce rhyming words
- can clap out multi-syllable words
Expressive Language Milestones
7 months- 1 year
- babbling with both long and short groups of sounds "dada upup"
- uses speech or non-crying sounds to get and keep attention
- imitates different speech sounds
- has 1 or 2 words (bye-bye, mama)
- enjoys games like peek-a-boo and pat-a-cake
- joint attention
- reacts to emotions
1-2 years
- says mroe words every month
- uses some 1-2 word questions (where kitty? go bye-bye?)
- puts 2 words together (more cookie, no juice, mommy book)
- uses many different consonant sounds at the beginning of words
- points to objects to get others engaged (joint attention)
- plays near other children, begin to imitate
- greets others, takes turns
- brings objects to adult, requests action with words/gestures
2-3 years
- has a word for almost everything (50-200 words)
- uses 2-3 words to talk about and ask for things
- speech is understood by familiar listeners most of the time
- often asks for or directs attention to objects by naming them
- acts out simple themes from own experience
- talks to self during play
3-4 years
- talks about activities completed earlier from school or home
- people outside the family understand the child's speech
- uses a lot of sentences that have 4 or more words
- usually talks easily without repeating syllables or words
- cooperative play begins
- begins to share and show empathy and emotions
- able to maintain a topic
4-5 years
- says most sounds correctly except l, s, r, v, z, j, ch, sh, th
- uses the same grammar as the rest of family
- uses sentences that give lots of details (I like to read my books)
- tells stories that stick to topic
- communicates easily with other children and adults
- understand that other people have thoughts