There is a reason we chose this impactful line of work. Being a speech and language pathologist (SLP) takes a special human. As an SLP we are able to be raw, true, vulnerable and compassionate for clients and their families. Our day to day lives are fulfilling and rewarding for being able to make the kind of impact we are able to make. Our therapy is authentic, individualized and evidence based.
I am (We are) so fortunate to service, work with and impact clients and their families. We are able to make a difference and to touch the lives of children and their families in a very unique way. I am always willing to go above and beyond for clients and families and it’s not because I feel I need to, it is instinctual.
Over the years I have learned that it’s never a goodbye to these families. Whether a client has mastered all of their goals and has moved on, changed grades, a client has moved out of state or decided to take a break for a while, it is never a goodbye to these families. We never forget clients and their families. As professionals we are part of their journey, part of their lives, helping them to best navigate this ever changing and demanding world we live in. We have the ability to leave an imprint in their hearts and will forever hold a place in their lifelong journey. I am fortunate to be able to laugh, cry and be strong with, and for each and every client and their family that I service.
I have had the opportunity and privilege to work with a very special little boy, with an amazing family for 3 years until they were recently relocated for Dad’s job. This client challenged me in ways that helped me grow as a professional and Mom myself. Even though I was there to teach him and help him find his voice he taught me. I was able to help the family navigate through the ups and downs and to have hard conversations. As I was sad to let this family go, “goodbye” is not a word I wanted to use. It’s not “goodbye,” but “good luck in your next adventure.” I have made a connection with this family and will continue to stay in touch and see him continue to succeed and knock down any barriers in his path.
To ease the pain of having to let them go and move on in their journey, I had the unique opportunity of finding them another clinic (with the help of my bosses) not far from where they will be living. I was able to connect with the professionals there to aid in having everything set up for a smooth transition without gaps in therapy. I am thankful for the family for allowing me to help them with this transition. I am forever appreciative and beyond grateful for having the opportunity to work with this family. To this family, as well as many other clients and students that have moved on, it is never “goodbye.”
#SpeechandLanguagePathologist #SLP #speechandlanguagepathology #family #parenting #therapy #goals #relationships #dedication #collaboration #evidencebased #professionals #conversations #team