Programs & Services
Some of the programs and services we offer through Occupational Therapy, Speech-Language Therapy and Mental Health Counseling!
Occupational Therapy
Occupational Therapy provides services which help promote independence in areas related to sensory motor, visual motor, self-care and social skills. Here at KidSense, occupational therapy focuses on allowing children of all ability levels the opportunity to explore their environments in a safe and playful manner. All treatment sessions are child directed and involve a variety of sensory experiences in order to provide the body with the appropriate amount of sensory input for better integration and organization and therefore acquisition of skills.
Speech-Language Therapy
Speech-language therapy is the treatment for speech and/or language disorders. A speech disorder refers to a problem with the actual production of sounds. A language disorder refers to a difficulty in understanding or putting words together to communicate ideas. Speech disorders include articulation, fluency and voice disorders. Language disorders can be either receptive, expressive or pragmatic/social. Here at KidSense speech-language services are provided in a variety of approaches, reflecting the individual needs of the child as well as groups focused on Social Thinking®. Speech-language skills are not just delivered in a sitting format but are also incorporated into fun functional tasks that are motivating for the children. Spanish speech/language evaluations are also available!
Mental Health Counseling
Mental Health Counseling is the therapeutic use of art making within a professional relationship. Mental Health Counseling is based on the belief that the creative process involved in the art making is healing and life-enhancing.What are the benefits? Mental Health Counseling uses the art making process and the resulting art product as an alternative means of communication. The art therapist and the client work together to understand this primarily non-verbal communication. Through creating art and reflecting on the art products and processes, clients are able to increase awareness of their behavior and the behavior of others, develop problem solving strategies, cope with symptoms, stress and traumatic experiences, and enhance cognitive abilities.
Cranio/Sacral Therapy
The central nervous system is in control of many of the body's systems and functions. Many of our children have a wide range of sensory, motor and/or neurological disabilities which are affected by the central nervous system. CranioSacral Therapy is a gentle, light-touch technique which helps to heal the central nervous system by monitoring the rhythm of cerebrospinal fluid and releasing restrictions throughout the body. If your child exhibits any pain, illness, motor dysfunction, or attention difficulties, CranioSacral Therapy may be beneficial. If you have any concerns, please have a discussion with one of our trained clinicians.
Feeding Therapy
Eating is a complex process involving many elements which need to work together cohesively. A variety of factors can contribute to a child's difficulty with feeding. Members of our Feeding Team evaluate and provide specialized intervention for children with all types of feeding concerns. Our Team also works closely with parents and caregivers to ensure success and carryover in the home environment. At KidSense, we use a hierarchy of steps to allow the child to become desensitized to different tastes, textures, and temperatures. We build a trusting relationship with the child and help them learn to enjoy the eating process which positively impacts the social aspect of meal times.
Physical Therapy
Physical therapy focuses on the development and refinement of gross motor skills. Physical therapy utilizes exercises and activities to build core strength, coordination, and endurance for walking, climbing, sports, and recreation. The goal is to optimize each child's movement experience so that they can participate and enjoy their daily activities at home, in school, and in the community.
Social Cognition
Many children with a variety of diagnoses exhibit difficulties with social cognition or social thinking. This is the ability to think about your own and others' thoughts, emotions, and intentions. It's the ability to predict, infer, conceptualize, get organized, listen actively speak coherently. We offer social groups based on the curriculum developed by Michelle Garcia Winner, who is now world known. Additionally, the Zones of Regulation® is a program developed to help children gain insight and awareness into their own emotions and behavioral responses to develop self-awareness and regulation skills. This curriculum is appropriate for those with solid language skills who may also be near normal to way above normal intelligence.
Executive Functioning Coaching
Executive function skills are the core set of cognitive skills required for planning, completing and evaluating the completion of tasks, as well as overseeing our communication exchanges. We gradually develop skills such as attention, motivation, emotional regulation, organizing, monitoring, reasoning, problem solving, and flexibility in order to complete routine and novel tasks.
Children who have poor executive functioning might take an extraordinarily long time to get dressed or become overwhelmed with doing simple chores around the house. They can lose track of time during leisure and schoowork activities. They may be disorganized and have difficulty recalling details and location of assignments due to losing important papers.
We can help through executive function coaching, which would provide support to foster independent learning in children, teens, and college students who have trouble with maintaining focus for extended periods, initiating tasks, remembering oral directions, breaking down larger assignments, organizing materials, arranging ideas in writing, planning ahead, anticipating consequences, or completing/handing in assignments.
Our team of executive functioning coaches work individually or in small groups with students who exhibit a gap between knowing what they should do and following through with it.
- Neurological Disorders
- Developmental Disabilities
- Sensory Processing Disorder
- Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Articulation
- Pragmatic/Social Language
- Torticollis
- Feeding Concerns
- Fine Motor Difficulties
- Expressive/Receptive Language
- Consultation with schools/daycares
- Collaboration with other professionals
- Parent Advocacy Support
- Educational Advocacy
- Sensory Diets and Home Programs
- Design and Consultation for
home sensory rooms - In-Services and Education
- Independent School Evaluations
- Social Cognitive® Groups
- Articulation Groups
- KidCorps Exercise Groups
We are enrolling for our next session of SOCIAL COGNITIVE groups!
Following the philosophies of Michelle Garcia Winner's Social Thinking
Many children with a variety of diagnoses exhibit difficulties with social cognition or social thinking. This is the ability to think about your own and others' thoughts, emotions, and intentions. It's the ability to predict, infer, conceptualize, get organized, listen actively speak coherently. We offer social groups based on the curriculum developed by Michelle Garcia Winner, who is now world known. Additionally, the Zones of Regulation® is a program developed to help children gain insight and awareness into their own emotions and behavioral responses to develop self-awareness and regulation skills.
The program consists of a series of lessons geared around our zones (blue, green, yellow, and red) while using games and activities to learn tools or strategies to support optimal interactions. If your child exhibits difficulties in any of these areas, they are a good candidate to participate in a social group. This curriculum is appropriate for those with solid language skills who may also be near normal to way above normal intelligence.
Check out of FAQs regarding Social Cognitive Group Questions for more information.