Change it Up! Flexible Seating Options for the Online Learner at Home
Let’s consider how various seated positions and other environmental modifications can be incorporated throughout their day.
Change it Up! Flexible Seating Options for the Online Learner at Home
Let’s consider how various seated positions and other environmental modifications can be incorporated throughout their day.
Maintaining a Social Life During the Pandemic: Pt. 1
For children, this pandemic might seem unexplainable and confusing.
The Importance of Outdoor Play
In general, children can benefit from daily active free play whether it be indoors or outdoors. However, children of all ages can benefit from at least three hours of free play outdoors a day.
Why Outpatient Therapy? COVID-19, Hybrid School Days and Beyond
There are just about a million things to consider when discussing back to school. The school schedules are changing minute to minute, meetings are being delayed, childcare options are limited at best and everyone is frantic. You may be looking at your child’s schedule and wondering how their related services are going to look now.