Tag: Emotional Regulation

Part 1: Screen Time Q & A with an OT and SLP
What are the biggest impacts you have seen on children’s development? Below we break down some impacts across a few areas.

Adapting and Shifting During a Pandemic
I am a speech language pathologist who specializes in social cognition and executive functioning. I have been to countless Michelle Garcia Winner’s Social Thinking conferences as well as Sarah Ward & Kristen Jacobsen’s 360 Thinking Executive Functioning seminars.
Let me say it again… I teach social cognition and executive functioning skills for a living… However, this pandemic has completely upheaved my executive functioning skills and rewired my brain. Anyone else struggling??? Please let me explain…

Establishing trust: stepping beyond everything you learned in grad school
When I was an indecisive, whimsical sophomore, circa 2007 at the University of Connecticut, one of the requirements in selecting a career path was that it embodied a counseling component. I didn’t quite aspire to be a mental health counselor, but I undoubtedly wanted to support individuals in some capacity. After shadowing a few SLPs I saw undoubtedly how much counseling was involved across settings.