Tag: kids

Making Oral Motor Activities Fun at Home
In today’s world, it can be difficult to get our kids moving and exercising! Here are some of my favorite resources to get kids moving while using what they love, technology. We all know the mental and physical health benefits of exercise.

Get Kids Moving Using Technology
In today’s world, it can be difficult to get our kids moving and exercising! Here are some of my favorite resources to get kids moving while using what they love, technology. We all know the mental and physical health benefits of exercise.

10 Ordinary Household Items for Occupational Therapy Activities
So, your children are home from school and their distance-learning school day has come to an end. But as a parent, your day is hardly over…

One of the Greatest Things We Can Do With Children Is to Build Imaginative Skills
One positive aspect of this pandemic is that it has given me extra quality time with my daughters, who are 1 and 3 years old. Back when things were “normal”, we were constantly…