Tag: Parenting Tips

Part 1: Screen Time Q & A with an OT and SLP
What are the biggest impacts you have seen on children’s development? Below we break down some impacts across a few areas.

Change it Up! Flexible Seating Options for the Online Learner at Home
Let’s consider how various seated positions and other environmental modifications can be incorporated throughout their day.

Adapting and Shifting During a Pandemic
I am a speech language pathologist who specializes in social cognition and executive functioning. I have been to countless Michelle Garcia Winner’s Social Thinking conferences as well as Sarah Ward & Kristen Jacobsen’s 360 Thinking Executive Functioning seminars.
Let me say it again… I teach social cognition and executive functioning skills for a living… However, this pandemic has completely upheaved my executive functioning skills and rewired my brain. Anyone else struggling??? Please let me explain…

Transition Planning: What does it mean, when do you start, and who is on your team.
For most children, planning their adult lives starts somewhere in preschool when they begin discussing what careers they hope to pursue in their adulthood. Then somewhere in high school, students seem less sure as they are faced with a decision to transition into the workplace, post-secondary education, or maybe even completely rock their parents world by electing to backpack through a foreign country looking for their missing inspiration.